Serwis podnośników nożycowych
As a manufacturer of scissor lifts, we provide professional service for lifts and goods lifts. Our service technicians have the appropriate qualifications to install and service lifts in accordance with applicable standards and regulations, also to accept hydraulic lifts to the Office of Technical Inspection.
Customer satisfaction
All scissor lifts we offer comply with all safety regulations applicable to scissor lifts in Europe. The CE mark on our lifts certifies that the product complies with applicable EC directives.
Periodic inspections of hydraulic lifts
Ergolift’s scissor lift service department specializes in periodic inspections and maintenance of hydraulic lifts.
We provide warranty and post-warranty service of scissor lifts, goods lifts and scissor lifts by qualified employees with UDT maintenance qualifications. We offer the necessary spare parts to ensure the uninterrupted operation of our scissor lifts. Regular servicing and maintenance of lifts is very important to eliminate faults or unnecessary downtime.
UDT registration
Each designed and the scissor lift manufactured by us has the necessary documents and meets the technical standards required to be registered by the Office of Technical Inspection. Quality acceptance by UDT is a necessary activity required to allow the lift to work. Thanks to our many years of experience and the preparation of the required documents, we ensure trouble-free passing of UDT acceptances and inspections.